The short wedding dress, a sign of personality and originality at your wedding

When planning an event , one of the most important decisions is choosing the key garment. Since long dresses are so popular, why not a short wedding dress?
The classic wedding dress is becoming less common every day. wedding They are gaining in originality and many couples They seek to get away from the conventional and predictable. And the choice of the most important garment of the celebration also deserves a style renewal . That is why short or long wedding dresses midi have become a popular alternative, as he acknowledged in a interview designer Alejandra Valera. On the one hand, the feminine and traditional essence is maintained, but with a more rebellious and surprising .
In other decisions they do not usually occur big changes . As in makeup, where a new trend continues to prevail. natural style for the bride. The same goes for the hairstyles and collected, although the implementation of accessories and Add-ons makes a difference. And we must not forget the shoes , choosing ones perfect will be essential. However, all this loses importance compared to what everyone will remember once the wedding is over: the bride's dress.