Static electricity ⚡️

It is one of the most frequently asked questions we receive in our Customer Service department: how to remove static electricity from clothing?
This usually happens in fabrics, mainly silk, satin or crepe de chine (which are our favorite and most used fabrics!) that are thin and dense and do not retain moisture well, and this means that in very dry or electrically charged environments it sticks to the lining and to our body, creating a very unsightly effect that leaves a mark on everything.
We use these fabrics a lot, specifically for making wedding guest dresses or bridal gowns, and even for suits for guests and dresses in general, because we love them! We don't want you to go to your wedding, graduation or communion with this discomfort, so we bring you several solutions.
Some of you may even wonder whether you should return the item for this reason, but no! We have the solution! It is something that can be solved and it is not a defect of the garment or of the garment itself or of the fabric used, but it is produced by being in contact with other garments (as often happens in our warehouses) or in your own wardrobe and even in contact with our body.
Here are some styling tips to help you avoid it:
- Hairspray: This is one of the tricks we use most often during photo shoots. Quick and effective. Spray the garment on the inside, or inside out to avoid staining it with any drops of the product that might fall on it.
- Moisturizing cream: during photo shoots we apply a good amount of moisturizing cream to the models' bodies to prevent them from being "conductive" to electricity, being very careful not to stain the clothes, because in the end the cream always has some grease.
- Water: If it is a fabric that does not leave marks, spray with the same spray that we use to moisten clothes when ironing difficult fabrics, if possible with the garment inside out just in case.
- Fabric softener: When washing clothes by hand with delicate clothing detergent, we always use a little fabric softener.
- Drying: shake the garment to "unload" it and leave the garment hanging on a hanger, preferably a metal one, and let it drain and dry naturally. If we put it in the dryer, even on the "airing" program, we run the risk that it will become charged with static electricity again due to friction and contact with other garments.
We hope this helps you and you can enjoy your #bruna garment even more!